Giza 50 or Giza 61 or Giza 71 …
These three pyramids are large enough for pyramid yoga, stretching and most yoga practice. Though seven feet square (Giza 50) is a good amount of space, nine feet square (Giza 61) is better– and ten feet square (Giza 71) is better still. In any case, please double-check your floor space (bottom row of table below). For standing yoga postures, the Giza 71 may work for some. The apex is just shy of six feet. Standing in the center at a height of five feet six inches, you would have six inches to spare.
Gizas for Yoga
Pyramids that are not highlighted are considered too small for yoga practice. There is more to consider than floor space as the Giza slope is quite steep.
Giza for Supine Giza for Sitting Giza for Chairs Giza for Healers — See Nubian