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A small, family business with roots in the new age movement, we design, build, and ship copper pyramids worldwide. We began in the late 80’s in NYC (Harmonic Convergence). Thirty years experience.

Inner Fire Pyramids
Inner Fire Pyramids

Pyramid Manufacturer

As a copper pyramid manufacturer, Inner Fire Pyramids has designed and built copper pyramids for meditation for over 30 years. In 2011, due to a growing interest in meditation (and these pyramids), we decided to open this online shop. This enabled us to reach customers worldwide who are interested in working with copper pyramids. We are determined, though copper prices rise, to provide affordable pyramids to those who seek to enhance their meditation and/or healing practice. In addition to providing hand-made, practical, easy-to-use, copper pyramids, we are committed to impeccable customer service.

Whether Giza Pyramids or Nubian Pyramids our copper pipe models continue to provide pyramid healing energy and the various benefits associated with pyramid meditation to our growing customer base. You need only have a look at our copper pyramid reviews to get a sense of the value these pyramids offer.