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Selenite Gemstone Capstone
Selenite provides clarity of the mind, expanding our awareness of the self. It opens the crown chakra and is said to help us to access guidance. It is said that Selenite can be used to access past lives as well as future lives. Selenite is a calming stone that brings deep peace. It is excellent for meditation and spiritual work. Selenite assists us with judgement and insight. It can clear confusion and helps us to see the bigger (and deeper) picture. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It can be used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning that are due to teeth fillings and can also reverse the effects of “free radicals” in the cell structure.
—Important Note:
Capstones and Pendants need a Capstone Plate! Unless you have your own plan for: 1) balancing a capstone on your copper pyramid; and/or 2) finding a way to hang your pendant inside your pyramid, then you need to purchase a Capstone Plate along with your Capstone or Pendant. The Capstone Plate was designed to both support Capstones and allow for the hanging of pendants inside the upper part of your pyramid.