Pyramid Sizes

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Here we show how to choose a pyramid size that will 1) fit your body, 2) be suitable for your activity (or posture), and 3) fit within your available space.

Height When Seated

Finally, it is important that the pyramid fit your body size. This may only come into play for those who intend to primarily sit and would like to be sure of a comfortable clearance between head and pyramid apex. Again, it is important to consider whether you intend to use pillows (and how many). Standing height is not a reliable determinant of length of torso. This makes recommendations based on a person’s height unreliable. Please use the method shown in the image below to determine your height when sitting.

Take this measurement and compare it to the pyramid’s apex. For example, the Giza 38 is, at the center, about thirty-eight inches from floor to apex. From this, you can then decide how much space you feel that it is important to have between you and the top of the pyramid. If you intend to use pillows, measure against the wall with your pillows. Unless you are lacking in floor space, we recommend being generous with the clearance above your head to ensure a comfortable basic seated meditation.

Pyramid Sizes Pyramid Sizes

Available Floor Space

First and foremost, your pyramid must fit in your space. If the legs are unable to fully stretch out so that the base wire is taut, then the all-important slope and corresponding golden ratio (dimensions of a pyramid, what creates the energy) will fall short. A pyramid’s floor space requirements can be found on its product page in "Specifications" under "Base:" For example: Giza 71 lists "Base: Allow 10 sq ft."

Giza Models Nubian Pyramids

Activity or Posture

Secondly, the pyramid must work for your intended activity. Some of us will simply want to sit and meditate. Others will want to stretch or practice yoga. Some will want to sit in a chair. Also, if you ARE sitting on the floor, will you be sitting on pillows? How many pillows? We do offer some basic guidelines to help with this: In the navigation menu above, choose "Shop" then "Giza for—" or "Nubian for—" and select an activity or posture. These links lead to pages showing suitable pyramid sizes for the activity or posture.

Pyramid Sizes Pyramid Sizes

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