Golden Ratio Pyramid (s)

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Golden Ratio Pyramid

The Golden Ratio or Phi (Φ)

Every pyramid has two separate slopes; a face slope, and an edge slope. The face slope is measured along any of the four flat sides of a pyramid, while the edge slope is measured along any of the four edges. Generally, when we speak of pyramid’s slope, we are speaking of the face. It is the face slope that determines a golden ratio pyramid (which includes Giza and Nubian pyramids).

The Golden Ratio is a special relationship found throughout nature. It is special because it allows nature to multiply and expand while remaining true to itself. Both Giza and Nubian pyramids celebrate and embody this ratio, expressing an energetic reminder towards those same patterns of integrity and balance inherent in our own nature. When we build copper pyramids, we take care that they reflect this special ratio. When they are set and wire made taught, the slope should be correct to within 1/8 inch.


Golden Ratio Pyramid

Pyramids Sacred Geometry: Although the math of the Golden Ratio may be difficult for us to wrap our heads around, it is clearly observable in the image above that each subsequent square (moving outward in the spiral) is proportionately related to those previous. Hence, as Lundy puts it (below)… "the ratio of the lesser part to the greater part is the same as the ratio of the greater part to the whole."

"1:Φ, where Φ, or phi, can be either 0.618 or 1.618 (more exactly .61803399.. .). Importantly, Φ divides a line so that the ratio of the lesser part to the greater part is the same as the ratio of the greater part to the whole. No other proportion behaves so elegantly around unity. Φ appears predominantly in organic life."

—Miranda Lundy, Sacred Geometry 1998

Golden Ratio Pyramids (Giza)

Expressed in the Great Pyramid of Giza and resulting in the 51.83 face slope is this same ratio (below left). While a line drawn from the center of the square to the center of the left-most base line, equals 1, a line drawn from that same point to the apex equals 1.618. This proportion is Phi (the symbol is Φ).

Golden Ratio Pyramid Pyramids Sacred Geometry

Golden Ratio Pyramids (Nubian)

What represented 1 in the Giza slope (half the base) now represents the full length of the base, with Phi (Φ) again representing the slope of each face. One easy way to appreciate the Nubian shape is inside an image of a pentagram (image,above right). Phi (Φ) naturally occurs within this five-sided form. The shape below criss-crosses a Nubian’s center point.


Pyramids Sacred Geometry

Pyramids modeled after the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Nubian Pyramids of Meroe have been recognized as having a positive impact on organic life. They have been used to extend the life of fruit, sharpen raxor blades, and so on. Active throughout organic life, this proportional value 1:1.618 (Φ) is likely what causes the pyramids built from this ratio to be so compelling. This offers some insight into why our experiences inside these copper pyramids tend to be so encouraging and uplifting– by both enhancing meditation (contact with source, nature) and encouraging self-healing (rebalancing, bodily integration, etc.).

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Adobe’s Take on the Golden Ratio