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Orgonite has many practical applications, including aiding physical and energetic healing, spiritual growth, and purification of one’s surroundings. Orgonite naturally attracts positive energy and helps to dispel and transform negative energy.
Orgonite helps to energetically cleanse the immediate environment. Some say that it can even dispel the effects of EMFs and radiation. It is highly favored by practitioners of Reiki, massage, and other healing modalities. It can also help to focus one’s intentions and deepen a meditation practice. Orgonite facilitates joy, health, and well-being in both home and work environments.
—Important Note:
Capstones and Pendants need a Capstone Plate! Unless you have your own plan for: 1) balancing a capstone on your copper pyramid; and/or 2) finding a way to hang your pendant inside your pyramid, then you need to purchase a Capstone Plate along with your Capstone or Pendant. The Capstone Plate was designed to both support Capstones and allow for the hanging of pendants inside the upper part of your pyramid.