In regard to pyramid meditation techniques, style of pyramid (Giza or Nubian) matters. Of course, much has to do with our focus while under the pyramid. However, once we choose a pyramid, the vibration-level impact created by its angled sides remains. So, what is this Giza versus Nubian business all about?
When we consider what a pyramid is (in particular, copper pyramids for meditation), we quickly identify a few ways in which pyramids differ. One is the material we choose when building the pyramid, whether wood, plastic or a copper pipe pyramid. Another, perhaps more important difference, is the degree of the angle of a pyramid’s sides.
The angle of a pyramid’s sides (referred to as "slope") is what dictates what we, who are interested in them energetically, might call the "frequency." There are many possible pyramid slopes. Some appear to be more significant than others when it comes to pyramid healing energy. Two such significant slopes are present in the Giza and Nubian pyramids (pictured above, click images for larger view). For a look at possible pyramids, check out our video wherein we conduct a pyramidal shape healing experiment using rubber bands.
Giza for Fourth, Nubian for Fifth (Chakras)
It is my opinion that the Giza-Style slope is related to the heart center, and that the Nubian pyramid slope (having a higher frequency) is associated with the throat chakra. Each pyramid meditation technique (in terms of the impact of pyramid slope, relates to the pyramid healing technique involved with a pyramids angles and the corresponding frequency, dealing with the horizontal and vertical axis. The horizontal represents time and the vertical represents being.
In the study of the relationship between pyramid slopes and energy centers (chakras), the Giza (heart) and the Nubian (throat) are the most practical. They are more practical for meditation purposes, given our need to sit in or under them. It may be that a pyramid designed for chakra three could still be used (for lying down). Still, for now, Giza or Nubian are our choices.
For Pyramid Meditation Techniques, Giza or Nubian
I tend to recommend the Giza-style pyramid. My reason is simple. It’s because it focuses on the heart center. This makes the pyramid useful comprehensively because, being the centermost chakra, it helps to maintain the others. The heart chakra can balance and regulate the other chakras. The Giza-style will therefore support a wider range of self-growth challenges. The Nubian, by contrast, is more useful for those who are working on empowerment issues. This, or bringing the life path in sync with divine guidance– and to have faith in that guidance.
You can always add stones to your pyramid that are associated with the other chakras. You can do this by adding a capstone, or if you want to cover all your bases, a chakra pendant that includes one for each of the seven chakras. Still, it may not be clear to you what area you’d like to focus on. If nothing strikes you intuitively, you might try looking at your personal goals more pragmatically. This may mean becoming more acquainted with the specific areas that each chakra deals with, behaviorally.
There are many books on the study of chakras and how each relates to human behavior. My favorite is the "Anatomy of the Spirit" by Carolyn Myss. The link below will take you to a very useful tool on her website. Center your mouse over each chakra to read about what they signify and relate to in the body– Caroline Myss, Chakra Information.